According to the results of the annual assessment of the quality of Tailored’s work, that is based on a written anonymous interview of each participant of each (!) training, 99.8% of the participants of the trainings still recommend training Tailored to their colleagues.
Moreover, in the summer of 2012 one of the most unusual Tailored programs was updated: TOOLS OF ESTIMATION OF TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS: CONSTRUCTION OF INTERACTION WITH INTERNAL CUSTOMERS.
The essence of this training program, which was held by employees of HR departments and corporate universities of the largest partners Tailored, consists of 3 aspects:
– Sober and pragmatic, including mathematical and economic, approach to the evaluation of trainings and the training system in the Company;
– Tools for involving the internal customer in the process of staff development, which greatly increases the effectiveness of training in the long term;
– Methods for a quality presentation of the effectiveness of training to the management of the Company, who want to understand what they are investing in and what return they receive from investing in training their employees.