After a detailed 3-month testing in various teams and companies Tailored successfully launched the new program “Professional Welfare”.
Many studies conducted in 2014-2015, clearly demonstrated the complex trends in the field of work with personnel: People have a fear of uncertainty; There is no confidence in the future; People do not know where to take energy; Many products and services lose their former relevance; With reductions, employees with key knowledge are lost; People are emotionally depleted, and as a consequence – they are closed and insufficiently initiative for new conditions and changes.
We thought about the sources and technologies for mobilizing the energy of employees in the workplace understanding the causes and possible consequences of such trends, because the tasks and the shrinking market require doubled energy, and not the other way around.
We focused on technologies that help employees concentrate on their strengths, drawing additional energy in a clear connection between personal and corporate goals, being able to fix and hold out the achieved results, avoiding energy sinks in a timely manner. An important part of the program is testing, indication and research of the level of professional well-being of the partner company on the basis of a technique specially developed at the Department of Psychological Support of Professional Activity of St. Petersburg State University.
We successfully conducted several programs and received feedback from the participants and came to the key result that the technologies presented in the Tailored program “Professional Wellbeing” allow not only to generate additional energy, but also to combine personal and corporate strategies, indicating a fundamentally new level of employee motivation.
Feedback from participants:
“I learned to build correctly and sort plans for the future, counting on my strength …”;
“I found an approach to a difficult boss, and most importantly – a soft clarity of what I can and how I move forward in the work”;
“There are many useful things that I can apply in my personal and professional life, new approaches have been found”